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A member registered Jan 01, 2021

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(1 edit)

Im stuck on naka third heart event, I've done the puzzle and found the treasure but i don't know where to meet her, ive tried the inn at evening and niko forest but no luck, is she located somewhere else?

Never mind. Just did grey's katana quest and got the scene. I'm dumb lol

Been playing for the last few updates and one thing I could never figure out was the inn scene for Ryen, I've been to every inn I can find but still have no idea on how to get it.

Been wondering who the major artists are that created some of the characters.

Been enjoying the new update but for some reason I can't seem to make the good soldiers from the barracks. I keep getting told that storage is full when its a zero.

Just finished the Luminous Order Questline and have been wondering whether or not we will get a scene for Shey in a later update? Also love your game and have been following it for a while now and can't wait for what you have planned next

thanks i didnt know i had to heal tsubaki for it to continue thx again

ive talked to her at the prison but nothing changes and her dialogue is the same

not sure if Zimon will answer but i know more girls will be introduced later but just asking if characters like heramael's sister or izanami's master will get their on scenes with the MC in a later update

I don't think those are in the game yet

when I loaded the game up on the start screen there was new character cg that looks like Nemorvyra but when i went to where she was it was still the same cg so is this going to change in a later update

just guessing that the update could come near the end of january or later in february as i could only guess how hard making a game is but looking forward to it and don't push yourself to hard